I'm watering my plants and yard enough to keep them alive and free from disease, but it will be a relief when rain comes. There is nothing like nutrition-filled rain to set things back on track. The things I'm maintaining were investments, and it truly seems foolish to let them simply die when a little hand watering will keep them going.
The pups are happy. They had me home for 3 weeks and were not pleased when I went back to work this week. As has been the case for the past few months, Pearl's condition changes almost daily. Great Pyrenees are considered senior citizens at her age of nine. Coupling that with the ACL surgery she had a year ago, moving around can be challenging for her. Some days it seems as if she's beginning to throw in the towel, yet the next morning she'll be romping like a young dog. As long as she has the twinkle in her eye, we'll keep on going. I feel certain she'll let me know when she has had enough and is ready to join Logan, Opal and Luke over the Rainbow Bridge.
Pearl's patience with Iris has been interesting to watch. Little Iris seems to be more than happy to shower Pearl, Zeke or me with affection. It's hard to believe how a few months can make such a difference. She came to us in late December unable to stand on her own, extremely frightened and timid, with a skin infection, unhealthy teeth and a thin coat. Now, to look at Iris, one would never know that she hadn't always been well. She is full of energy, glossy coat, white shiny teeth, able to run and keep up with Zeke and happy beyond description. I've always had large dogs, but I firmly believe that this tiny girl found her way to us for a reason. Iris is sweet, love-filled and a valued member of my family.
Zeke and I are enrolled in a new class beginning next Wednesday evening. It will be an intermediate level, distance control agility class. Zeke, as most Border Collies, enjoys agility and I expect that he'll be pleased to have a new job. He's a wonderful dog and will be even more so after we complete additional training!
My grandson, Logan, called me on the phone this afternoon. Nothing can make me smile as much as hearing, "Hi, Lulu!" He had a number of things to tell me and, thankfully, Kate was there to translate when needed. I hope to see them over the next few days!
We had a family gathering for my birthday, and Logan was extremely proud of the stepping stone he had made me. It has his hand print, many pretty stones and his name. In this photo, it's easy to tell how happy he was when I realized what he (and his mom) had made for me.
If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.
Vincent Van Gogh